(left) Prayer wheels along the Annapurna Circuit

clockwise from left: Young Jedi warrior and poopy pants. Classic scary Nepali bridge. Mani walls and rock etching. Hydro-powered grain mill.

(below) Porter loads

(left) Trail ‘crops’

(center) man eating spider!!

(below) carnivorous plant

Clockwise from above: 1. Teahouse rules - “ #2 It is not allowed washing clothes inside toilet”. 2. Staircase to the end of the world. 3. Canyon walls, Manaslu Trek. 4. More staircases. 5. Typical break. Copious amounts of calories being consumed. 6. Prayer flags and Thorong Peak, Annapurna Circuit. 7. Floodplain and Mt Manaslu (8163m), 8th hightest in the world. 8.Typical teahouse.